Kalondo has had some rough times.  In 2011, it was devastated as part of the M23 conflict.  In September 2014, we were able to send them some medical supplies, only to have their medical clinic badly damaged in a severe storm known as an ourangan.  Lately, it has been extremely rainy and access to the village has been virtually impossible.

Local community members haven’t lost hope and we are pleased to support them with an innovative twist on micro-financing.  James Kataliko and Saasita were able to deliver enough funds to purchase and provide 40 chickens.  Twenty families selected by a local committee will receive two chickens each.  In time, they will simply be expected to provide two chickens back to the committee who will then start the process again by “loaning” two chickens to another family.

This project has been named “Kuku yangu, tenga yayi!” which translates to “My chicken, give me eggs!”

Kolondo Committee

Update:  James has posted this project on the international Scouts website.  http://www.scout.org/node/166201

Update: Watch the video